# About project
# Author's introduction
My name is Artem Gorlovetskiy (Unbywyd) (opens new window), I have been doing professional web development for over ten years with a focus on the front-end. Throughout the entire time, to perform work related to the layout of web pages, I used grunt, gulp and webpack, but time passed, experience gained, technologies changed, a certain vision of your own assembly appeared and it is in front of you.
This assembly is built on nodejs (opens new window) and contains all the necessary npm (opens new window) packages.
The main features of this assembly:
- rapid deployment of customized work environment
- availability of all the necessary tools
- built-in multifunctional Dart Sass framework
# About Ungic
Sorry but..
At the moment the guide is still available only in Russian language
Ungic is a web layout development environment built in nodejs as a npm package (opens new window). The use of this assembly is necessary in order to
- prepare the structure of the future project,
- provide the development environment and the necessary tools to the web designer,
- provide local server with live reload function,
- provide tools to quickly write CSS styles,
- provide tools to quickly write HTML markup,
- provide tools for generating web icons of any format.
# Features and capabilities
The main feature of this tool is the rapid deployment of the project, which allows you to significantly save time and not be distracted by preparing the structure of the future project and various configurations of builders, plugins, preprocessor, post-processor, etc.
This assembly consists of three related plugins html, scss, icons, which allows use them both together and separately.
# Features and capabilities of the SCSS plugin:
The task of this plugin is to process the built-in Dart SASS framework, which in turn has the following capabilities:
- Based on Dart SASS (opens new window)
- The concept of modularity and components
- Theming
- project and component theming
- generating multiple themes at the same time
- automatic theme inversion
- RTL support
- Post-processing (autoprefixer, clean-css, etc).
- Export sass entities in JSON format.
- Integration with icons plugin
- Integration with html plugin
- Compatibility with third-party sass frameworks such as bootstrap
- Release generation functionality
# HTML plugin features:
- Split a document into parts with subsequent inclusion
- Ability to include markdown files with automatic generation in html
- Templating with the [Handlebars] (https://handlebarsjs.com/) templating engine
- Including templates with dynamic data (JSON, YAML, QueryString, data from the SCSS plugin).
- API for adding custom file type handlers
- Checking the validity of HTML5 and AMP documents.
- Minification and optimization of html documents.
- Integration with icons plugin
- Integration with scss plugin
- Release generation functionality
# ICONS plugin features:
- Optimizing SVG icons
- Generating SVG icons to web fonts.
- Generating SVG icons to svg sprites.
- Generation of sprites from a set of raster icons (images).
- Generation of a demo page with all the project icons.
- Export / Import of icons in JSON format.
- Integration with html plugin
- Integration with scss plugin
- Release generation functionality